South Pacific
George Jenkins Theatre
May/June 1984
This epic musical romance centres on a group of American sailors and Navy nurses stationed in the South Pacific during World War II. Arkansas native Nellie Forbush befriends and quickly falls for Emile de Becque, a French expatriate and plantation owner, and Lt. Joe Cable finds himself in a passionate affair with Liat, the young daughter of Bloody Mary, the local grass-skirt peddler. As the war against Japan escalates, reality sets in for both Forbush and Cable, who struggle to reconcile their unconventional love affairs with their long-held prejudices and insecurities.
Director | Sonya Dobson |
Musical Director | Kevin Hillier |
Production Co-ordinator | Alberto Salvato |
Stage Manager | Mike Smith |
Stage Director | Fred Birkinshaw |
Costume Design | Joan Hooke |
Set Design | Pat Morton |
Lighting Director | Bruce Morton |
Set Construction | Pat Morton |
Scenic Artist | Pat MortonJ |
Ticket Secretary | Betty Schlager |
Properties | Jean Riley |
Rehearsal Pianist | Celia Riley |
Front of House Management | John Langman |
Gala Night Management | Lesley Hill |
| Edward Hill |
Publicity, Program, Posters | Dawn Harris |
| Darryl Chambers |
| Alberto Salvato |
Make Up | Rhonda Horwood |
Rehearsal Refreshments | Doreen Sparks |
Sound Effects | Barry Coaker |
Lighting Operators | John Beaney |
| Trevor Dixon |
| Ron Gavin |
Photography | Peter Scholes |
Special Production Assistants | Jenny Leslie |
| Kath Woods |
| Beth Coops |
| Simone Smith |
Conductor | Kevin Hillier |
Piano | Celia Riley |
Organ | J. Wright |
Clarinet/Saxophone | K. McCallum |
| T. Ekin |
Trumpet | P. Thomsen |
Trombone | O. Andrews |
Electric Bass | G. Sander |
Percussion | R. Reid |
Ngana | Domonique Traube |
| Angela Beauchamp |
Jerome | Andrew Tunks |
| Paul Beauchamp |
Henri | Mark Sims |
Ensign Nellie Forbush | Sue Salvato |
Emile De Becque | Barry Woodford |
Bloody Mary | Barbara Rothwell |
Luther Billis | David Smith |
Stewpot | Michael Bayley |
Professor | John M Ross |
Lt. “Kiwi” Adams | Christopher Morton |
Lt. Joseph Cable | Roy Beauchamp |
Commander William Harbison | Len Seal |
Capt. George Brackett | William Shaw |
Yeoman Herbert Quale | Michael Martin |
Liat | Kim Whiter |
Radio Operator McCaffrey | Leigh Vial |
Sgt. K Johnson | Frank Cinaglia |
Seabee M Wise | Carl Elston |
Seaman T Bruino | Alberto Salvato |
Marine Cpl. H Steeves | Andrew Carroll |
Pte. V Jerome | Graeme McDougall |
Pte S Larsen | Peter Wyatt |
Lt. Genevieve Marshall | Jennie Ward |
Ensign Lisa Manelli | Helen Mills |
Ensign Connie Walewska | Janelle McDonald |
Ensign Janet McGregor | Elis Pullen |
Ensign Bessie Noonan | Chris Fredrikson |
Ensign Pamela Whitemore | Marissa Tunks |
Ensign Rita Adams | Rebecca Sims |
Ensign Sue Yaegar | Merran Stewart |
Ensign Betty Pitt | Tonya High |
Ensign Cora MacRae | Engeline Glasser |
Ensign Dinah Murphy | Wendy Hinder |
Ensign Alice Day | Heidi Traube |
Islanders | Annet Bunn |
| Heather Cook |
| Dawn Harris |
| Lyn Hudson |
| Jenny Leslie |
| Jacqueline Pratt |
| Wendy Raitt |
| Rebecca Sims |
| Elaine Stukas |
French Wives & Daughters | Alexandra Beaney |
| Elizabeth Coops |
| Sheryll Coulson |
| Lynette Cuthbertson |
| Carole Golden-Brown |
| Kerry Mann |