The Vagabond King
Frankston Teachers College
November 1965
Filled with romance, swordplay, high aspirations and low comedy, ‘The Vagabond King’ recreates the world of medieval Paris saved from the Burgundians by a “king for a day”–the poet-thief François Villon. Paris is under siege by the forces of the Duke of Burgundy and popular support of King Louis XI is at a low point. Poet, braggart, thief Villon, the darling of the Paris rabble, has sent anonymous love poems to the beautiful Katherine de Vaucelles, causing her to reject proposals from King Louis. She goes to seek the mysterious poet at an inn, but King Louis shadows her in diguise. Louis is incensed to hear Villon mocking the failures of his reign and saying what he would do instead “if I were king.” The infuriated monarch reveals himself. As punishment for his treasonous speech, he gives Villon a hard choice: he must either shut up and give up courting Katherine or accept the position of Grand Marshal — with all the powers of King — for 24 hours during which time he must make good on his boasts and free Paris. If he chooses the second but fails, Villon will hang.
Director | Gordon Brennan |
Musical Director | Basil Gleeson |
Choreographer | Strelsa carruthers |
Stage Manager | Fred Wagg |
Scenery | Harry Thompson |
Lighting | Peter Hart |
Wardrobe | Nance Wagg |
Chorus Master | Robert Bilsborough |
Pianist | Nylma Sparks |
Front of House | Lorraine Wiliams |
Tickets | Eunice Brennan |
Make Up | Robert Brewster |
Promotion | Pam Irvine |
Poster | Gordon Brennan |
Program | Gordon Brennan |
Assistant Stage Manager | Margo Aldridge |
Production Assistants | Norma Allen |
| Alan Warner |
| Ross Richards |
| Fred Wagg |
| Owen Marsh |
| Jack Wilding |
| Stuart Oliver |
| Pat Wagg |
| Jack Baker |
| Marie Wagg |
| Helen Hallett |
| Pat Byrne |
| John Downie |
| Dora Warner |
| Dawn Fletcher |
| Conzee McClorinan |
Orchestra | John Atkins |
| David Bond |
| Reg Loft |
| Ian Williams |
| Ian Edwards |
| Colin Morris |
| Lenis Nurse |
| John Jones |
| Robert Bedwell |
| Ruby Ramsey |
| Peter Bauers |
| Ron Henry |
| Russell Braun |
| Richard Daxzyk |
| Honour Allfrey |
| Kevin Soale |
| D. Birrell |
Francis Vitton | Cliff Hallet |
Katherine de Vaucelles | Charmaie Wentwrth |
Louis | Berard Conlon |
Tabarie | Peter Lason |
Tristan | Robert McGregor |
Huguette | Jenni Cameron |
Oliver | Peter Stennett |
Noel | Arthur Mead |
Lady Mary | Coral Rkers |
Rene | Robert Hallett |
Casin | Norman Smart |
Margo | Janice Leason |
Thibaut | Ian McWilliams |
Astrologer Toison d’Or Hangman | Mike Porter |
Queen | Norma Souter |
Captain | Rodney carruthers |
Pages | Mark Williams |
| Kim Williams |
Chorus | Tom Hill |
| Ian Bond |
| Ray Abbott |
| Karen Brent |
| Julia Power |
| Bryan Oates |
| Peter Capon |
| Esther Greig |
| Myrtle Slade |
| Cheryl Brent |
| Phil Brookes |
| Jack Wilding |
| Claire Durkin |
| Jim Richards |
| Alan Warner |
| Terri Mitchell |
| Martin Fraser |
| Adrian Wagg |
| Doreen Smith |
| Marie Couper |
| Beryl Aldridge |
| Sally Maunder |
| Janet Dowling |
| Richard Boyle |
| Carl Eastwood |
| John Turnbull |
| Annette Wagg |
| Noel Archibald |
| Sue Kinnersley |
| Hilmar Wunder |
| Henry Megahey |
| Mireille Mirioux |
| Jay Willoughby |
| Marcele Mirioux |
| David Copeland |
| Margaret Walker |
| Elsa Fredriksson |
| Elizabeth Dowling |
| Audrey Carruthers |
| Veronica Ferguson |
| Leslie Christiansen |
Dancers | Joan Keeley |
| Avis Skinner |
| Valerie Walker |
| Vivienne Mead |
| Jane Copeland |
| Janne Bruggman |
| Patricia Blancowe |
| Madeleine Turnbull |